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Stories & Networking Nights

Are you in a networking & storytelling mood?
Join the community to listen to inspiring marketing stories from like-minded professionals or share a story yourself!

During each Stories & Networking event, we get 3-4 marketing professionals to join our marketing community and share their own professional stories based on their learnings.

Each speaker has 10-15 minutes on stage to share their marketing story and actionable takeaways before we move on to networking!

This is a great chance to learn from others’ experiences, develop peer relationships, discuss industry challenges, trends, and much more!

Events are usually limited to 50 attendees.

Are you interested in being a speaker or hosting our events?

There are so many interesting and experienced marketers in our community so we invite you not only to come listen and network but also to share your ‘Marketing Story’ with the rest of the community! 


If you are interested in being a host, drop us a note!

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